^ 1. Number of photons a rod is sensitive to.
^ 5. Lowest number of photoreceptors inputing into each central foveal retinal ganglion cell.
^ 100. Average number of rod and cone input into each retinal ganglion cell.
^ Thousands. Number of rod and cone input per peripheral retinal ganglion cell in a human retina.
^ 0.7 to 1.5 million. Number of retinal ganglion cells in a human retina.
The International Foundation for
Optic Nerve Disease
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Email: ifond@aol.com
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IFOND is registered service mark of
The International Foundation for Optic Nerve Disease, est. October 1995.
Copyright 1999-2025, International Foundation for
Optic Nerve Disease.
The information contained on this website should not be considered medical guidance or professional advice. IFOND is not responsible for errors or omissions in information provided on this site or actions resulting from its use. IFOND does not publish all information from all available sources on optic nerve disease. IFOND is not responsible for the validity of the studies or reviews nor is it an advocate of studies or reviews mentioned on or linked from the IFOND web site. IFOND does not endorse or recommend participation in any particular clinical trial or treatment protocol which may be mentioned on this site. Direct any questions concerning your personal health to your appropriate health care professional.